Food and Nutrition

Nutritious food can lead to optimum energy and activity levels; normal body growth and repair; balanced reproductive function; resistance to infection and disease; optimum physical and mental health.

Movement and Exercise

Movement is a fundamental part of optimal health. A lack of movement leads to poor health and creates a bodily environment in which diseases can manifest.

Mind Growth and Management

Mind growth and management is not about eliminating all unpleasant feelings; it is learning to become resilient through new strategies which promote happiness and wellness.

About Me

My name is Caroline Wilkes and I have been passionate about nutrition and holistic wellness since experiencing the health benefits myself 20 years ago. Now a qualified health coach I want to help you to gain control of your health, as I did, to feel empowered rather than powerless. I understand how debilitating health issues can become but we don’t need to suffer, optimal health is possible.

My mission is to help you to create the best health environment for yourself through food and nutrition; movement and exercise; mind growth, management and social connections. Through health coaching, we will identify your goals, uncover barriers and create a plan together. I provide a holistic approach, looking at your whole life; with support, encouragement and accountability.


I am a qualified Naturopathic Health Coach with the College of Naturopathic Medicine and accredited by the NHS Personalised Care Institute. In my role as a health coach I use a personalised, holistic approach to help you make positive, long-term changes to reach your health goals and achieve a better balance in work, home life and relationships.
Health Coaching

Beginning with a detailed assessment of your health history and current symptoms, we will dig deep to find the root causes of your issues. Then, together we will create a unique plan to reach your health
goals. I will empower you to achieve consistent change and provide support, allowing you to take control of your: nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle.

Group events focusing on: nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle choices can initiate mutually supportive environments where individuals encourage one another to achieve their health goals. Learn about recent developments in health and nutrition and empower your friends or workplace with one of the following topics or talk to me about your specific requirements:

Nutrition for Everyday Living
How to Eat to Boost Your Energy
Relieve Stress Naturally
Healthy Eating for Weight Loss
Immune Balance for the Whole Family
Women’s Health
Fasting and Detox for Health and Weight Loss
Food for Mood


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    The advice given is for education and guidance purposes only. We do not aim to diagnose or cure any illness or disease. The advice given should be discussed with your doctor in relation to medical conditions and medication.


    Kind words from people I've helped
    • Thanks so much for spending so much time on me and being so thorough. There are lots of ideas to get started on and I feel positive and excited! I really enjoyed the session and found it most valuable.

      Charlotte - Chesire
    • Our first contact with Caroline was by phone. We felt very relaxed talking to her and we felt very comfortable to introduce her to our daughter and to hopefully guide us on ways to deal with the IBS. Caroline asked our daughter in-depth questions regarding her health and wellbeing to try and decipher what route she needed to take to help her.  Our daughter felt very comfortable in Caroline’s presence and was able to speak freely and openly to her. Since our daughter’s visits with Caroline we have seen a huge change in her health even though there is still a way to go. She continues to follow the eating and exercise guidelines Caroline has given her along with some new ones. Caroline has kept in contact after her final visit to see how things are progressing. We feel that Caroline helped us at a time when we were in a difficult place and unsure who to turn to and has given us as a family the confidence that we need to manage our daughter’s health.

      Glenda - Cheshire
    • Thank you so much. You definitely came at the right time to get me focused. All really good positive things!

      Rebecca - Cheshire